ELITE 4110 J65 (AI) (P)

LOT 31: ELITE 4110 J65 (AI) (P)

Another growthy sire prospect with calving ease and top carcase traits for market success.  He has top 15% 400 day growth yet almost top 1% carcase wt. from his top 1% muscling. His trait combination gives top 5% Market $Indexes.

ELITE E242 J117 (P)

LOT 32: ELITE E242 J117 (P)

A good dark young sire prospect with the enviable carcase attributes of top 5% EMA and IMF.  His calving ease, growth and milk lead to his top 5% Market $Indexes.

ELITE C82 J134 (AI) (P)

LOT 33: ELITE C82 J134 (AI) (P)

J134 is an attractive registered sire prospect with sort after top 5% calving ease.  Again, his top 5% muscling supports his top 5% carcase wt. and top 10% yield.  Market $Indexes are top 5% and top 10%. “HOMOZYGOUS POLL (98%)”

ELITE E242 J139 (P)

LOT 34: ELITE E242 J139 (P)

Another stylish young registered bull with outstanding carcase traits, plus good growth and milk.  He has top 5% EMA combined with top 10% IMF and yield.  Generates top 10% and top 15% Market $Indexes. “HOMOZYGOUS POLL (98%)”

ELITE J146 (HPR) (AI) (P)

LOT 35: ELITE J146 (HPR) (AI) (P)

A really balanced performance profile culminating with top 5% in the very valuable carcase wt. and EMA traits.  Leads to his top 5% Market $Indexes

ELITE E242 J125 (P)

LOT 36: ELITE E242 J125 (P)

This registered fellow offers top 10% calving ease combined with good growth and milk.  He has top 15% carcase wt., top 5% EMA and good IMF.  Generates top 10% $Indexes. “HOMOZYGOUS POLL (98%)”

ELITE J149 (HPR) (AI) (P)

LOT 37: ELITE J149 (HPR) (AI) (P)

Another 4110 son with very balanced performance traits.  Top 15% 400 day growth combines with top 5% carcase wt., and top 10% EMA plus useful IMF.  Generates top 10% Market $Indexes.

ELITE C130 J44 (P)

LOT 38: ELITE C130 J44 (P)

A registered sire with much sort after top 5% calving ease yet good growth and milk.  He has top 15% carcase wt. and IMF plus top 5% EMA.  Generates top 5% Market $Indexes.

ELITE C130 J88 (HPR) (P)

LOT 39: ELITE C130 J88 (HPR) (P)

Better than top 5% calving ease intoduces this registered sire's balanced performance profile.  He continues with good growth and excellent milk to top 20% EMA and better than top 15% IMF.  Generates top 5% Market $Indexes.

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